网友提问 :Shanmei International reported a notable increase in annual revenue by 10%, reaching RMB 12 billion in 2023. Could you elaborate on the primary factors that contributed to this growth? Were there specific market segments, strategic partnerships, or operational enhancements that significantly impacted the company's top-line growth?
2024-05-17 16:08:00
山煤国际 (600546): 回答:尊敬的投资者您好,近年来,公司持续强化“先进产能”“资源扩增”“精煤制胜”和“配煤优势”四大战略,有序释放先进产能;同时,公司不断加强成本管控,引深“作业成本法”,聚焦世界一流、聚焦行业领先、聚焦系统内部、聚焦工作重点,推动管理向行业领先水平看齐。综合来看,公司在煤炭生产业务、经营管理水平均取得良好的发展态势。感谢您的关注!
2024-05-17 16:43:00